The basis for Yuna's overall design was that of Okinawan Kimonos, but Nomura has also mentioned that when he learned the character was to perform a dance called "the sending", he wanted to give her outfit something that would flow. For this reason, the specific type of kimono he chose for her was a furisode, a kimono bearing long sleeves.
Both the summoner's duties and the overall design of Yuna's clothing in Final Fantasy X are strongly reminiscent of the customs and dress of Shinto shrine maidens. The item worn on her chest in Final Fantasy X-2 is a reference to Tidus; the symbol, being the ancient emblem of the Zanarkand Abes blitzball team (to which Tidus was star-player), can be found on Tidus' clothing as well as in his home in Zanarkand. Yuna also sports a different hair style which is similar to Tidus' hair style.
During the course of the game, the player discovers that — within the context of the game's world and story — the character was named after Lady Yunalesca by her father, Lord Braska.
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